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When we think about prepping, we usually think about being reduced to primitive survival techniques like growing your own food or living without the modern technologies that we’ve become so accustomed to. However, prepping doesn’t just mean preparing for the end of the world. It can also mean preparing to survive in extreme environments — whether you end up there by choice or by accident. Here are four ways that you can use the latest survival tech.
Clean water is going to be one of your most important resources in a survival situation, but even water that looks clean could harbor microscopic bacteria or viruses that could make you ill. The Lifestraw Go takes Lifestraw survival tech to another level. It still removes 99.9999% of bacteria or other parasites from the water you drink, but it gives you the option to carry water with you instead of using a straw to drink directly from an available water source.
2. MagBar for Starting Fires
A fire can keep you warm, cook your food, purify your water or act as a signal in a survival situation, but getting one started can be challenging. MagBar gives you a quick and easy way to start a blaze, with a block of magnesium and flint that you can use to ignite shavings from the bar. Magnesium burns hot and fast and will light almost any tinder that you have available, whether it’s wet or dry. It’s lightweight, so you can stick it on your keychain and forget about it until you need it.
3. Cell Phones for Home Security
Cell phones are so common these days that you’d be hard-pressed to find someone in your circle who doesn’t have one. Instead of just using them for social media and placing phone calls, modern technology can allow you to integrate your home security system with your cell phone, so you can monitor your home remotely, get alerts if something happens, and even fool thieves by turning lights on and off while you’re not home to mimic activity.
4. Vollebak Graphene Jacket for Protection
Graphene is a fairly new material that will start making its way into camping, hiking and survival gear in the coming years. It’s incredibly lightweight but so tough that ten layers of it are more bulletproof than steel at the same thickness. According to Vollebak, graphene is so strong that you can coat the fibers of a spider’s web with it and use that web to catch a falling plane. It’s pricy, but this graphene jacket is so tough that if you fall while hiking, you’re more likely to damage the rocks you land on.
Always Be Prepared
Whether you’re preparing for the end of the world or getting ready for your next hike in the wilderness, technology can help you stay safe and warm. It might be costly but you definitely get what you pay for when it comes to survival tech and supplies.
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