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There’s nothing quite like being able to put the pedal to the metal and tear around a racetrack — especially if the track you’re driving is your own. While building your own might be a bit out of your price range, here are some tips and tricks to help you learn how to build your own racetrack if you happen to win the lottery or come into some extra cash you want to splurge with.
Pick Your Location
Choosing where to put your track is probably one of the most important steps. You must find somewhere you can get approval from your local government to build the track. You will probably also want to pick somewhere fairly remote. Race cars can get loud, and the last thing you want to do is build in a neighborhood where people are going to complain about the noise.
Oher than that, go crazy with your location choices. Trees, hills and tricky tracks all make for a fun and memorable driving experience.
Know Your Climate
Do you get a lot of rain where you’re planning on setting up your track? What about extremely hot weather? You’re going to want to build your track to be able to withstand all these weather conditions and more. For rainy areas, make sure your track has good drainage — though a wet track is a challenge, a flooded one is dangerous.
For hot areas, you’re going to want an asphalt that can withstand not only the high environmental temperatures but the heat generated by tires. The last thing you want is to have a car’s tires melt to your track!
You’re Going To Need Some Concrete…
Paving a racetrack is a lot trickier than paving your driveway. Instead of being designed to take a lot of vertical weight — think big trucks bearing down on the pavement like on a highway — racetracks are designed to take the lateral weight from the racers. Racetrack asphalt gets laid down in three layers — a base layer that is two inches thick, and two subsequent layers that are each an inch and a half in thickness.
The average price to pave a mile of four-lane racetrack is roughly $200,000, and that doesn’t include the cost of land, maintenance or other facilities. If you’re building out in the middle of nowhere, you may also have trouble getting concrete and asphalt to your location, though a good concrete pump truck can help make that a little simpler.
Public or Private?
Do you want to build a private racetrack for just you and your friends, or do you want to turn this into an investment and open your track to the public, so you can recoup some of the expenses of building it? Either way, you’re going to need liability insurance, in addition to the drivers having automotive insurance, in case of injury or accident.
How to Build Your Own Racetrack
The full cost of your racetrack could be in the millions of dollars, depending on your location, local city and state regulations and how elaborate you’re planning on making your facilities. If you’re a speed demon with the extra money to invest, building a racetrack can be a great way to spend it.
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