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Whether you’re a man on the go or you work from home, everybody wakes up in the morning and puts on their pants one leg at a time. However, even though we all wake up and start our days some way or another, there are so many factors that can go into a morning routine. While some guys try to push everything from a ten-step skincare routine to a yoga session into their morning routine, waking up can be simple and easy, too. In fact, your mornings should be as stress-free as possible if you want to set yourself up for a day of success.
If you’re on the hunt for some ideas for a simple yet effective morning routine, you might just be in luck. While, of course, everyone is different and requires their own habits on a day-to-day basis, there are plenty of ways you can make sure you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. Here are some of the best things you can include into your morning routine.
1. Leave Your Phone Elsewhere
One of the first things you can do as a part of your morning routine actually happens the night before — leaving your phone somewhere else so you don’t spend all morning scrolling. Scrolling on your phone can take up so much time before you even realize it. If you use your phone as an alarm clock, you can leave it on the other side of the room so you need to get out of bed in order to silence it.
2. Drink Water
Waking up with hydration can be one of the most effective ways to feel better in your body and get a head start on your daily water intake. You can even fill up a glass or water bottle and leave it by your bedside so it’s waiting for you in the morning.
3. Quiet Time
While you might be the type who wants to get up and go in the mornings right away, you might just as easily be the type who needs a bit of an adjustment period. While you might just as easily spend a bit of rest time in the morning scrolling on your phone, putting it away and spending some actual quiet time in the morning — whether you meditate or drink your cup of coffee — is a great way to start your day.
4. Your Morning Workout
If you like to work out, squeezing your workout in the morning is one of the best ways to hype you up for your day. Specifically, getting your workout in before your morning cleanup and shower can get it out of the way so you don’t have to worry about it for the rest of the day. Plus, the endorphins can even put you in a good mood.
5. Stretching and Cool Down
Stretching, cooling down and chilling out are all parts of taking care of your body. If you work out in the morning, make sure you also take the time to cool off.
6. Shower and Cleanup
Whether you go for a run or fit in a hot yoga session — or even for those who choose not to work out in the morning — you want to enter your day clean and refreshed. Make sure you take the time to clean up and thoroughly relax. While some people take five minutes, others take a while. Whatever you need, carve out the time for it.
7. Skincare
If you haven’t gotten yourself on a skincare routine by now, this might just shake up your world. While some guys go all out with the 12-step extravaganza, you don’t need fancy products to take care of your skin. In fact, a cleanser, moisturizer and quality SPF can do the trick — you’ll thank yourself for that one in twenty years.
8. A Healthy Breakfast
While some people choose to skip breakfast or simply take coffee on the go, making the time for a healthy, filling breakfast can fuel you in ways you may not have even realized. While you don’t need to cook up eggs and toast every single day, grabbing a protein bar or making a smoothie can often do the trick.
A Simple Morning Routine
While some guys simply roll out of bed and rush to get ready, you don’t have to fall into that cycle. By figuring out what works best for you and laying out a routine that you can stick to, you can find a simple morning routine that makes you feel good and helps set you up for the best day possible time and time again.
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