Equip: 12 Essentials for Your Next Interview
Mar 19, 2021
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If you’re one of the many job-seekers in this brave new world, you’re far from alone. You need to get your leg up on the competition if you hope to succeed.
Jobs may be easy to find, but securing one that covers your bills and provides the necessities requires a combination of luck and savvy conversational wizardry.
Tip the odds in your favor with these 12 essentials for your next interview, and get ready to celebrate your new position.
1. The Right App Subscription
With all the endless information arriving by email daily, you don’t want to risk missing a critical interview invitation. The right apps can prioritize your inbox to ensure that the most crucial messages appear first. That’s not all — apps can also help you get a handle on your diminished budget and locate money for necessities like Uber rides to interviews.
2. A Pair of Glasses
Even if you have 20-20 vision, a pair of specs says, “I am a dedicated professional who cares about getting the job done.” Plus, some varieties can reduce the chances that a pre-interview migraine attack will affect your ability to land the gig. You have few opportunities to accessorize when meeting via Zoom — this is one, so take advantage.
3. A Stylish Briefcase
Many top-level positions require you to present a portfolio of your work. You don’t want to risk your magnum opus getting wrinkled on public transportation. Keep it safely stowed away in a quality briefcase that keeps the pages pristine.
4. A Trench Coat
If you do have to venture out for your interview, the weather could turn frightful. A trench coat is ideal because it keeps most of the rainwater from soaking your sensible slacks while preventing your top from turning see-through. Plus, there’s something about the timeless style that makes this garment ideal even when interviewing with Wall Street bigwigs.
5. A Padfolio
Nearly every interview article you read advises you to take notes. However, doing so on a cellphone raises the question that you might be texting or checking sports scores, and a cheap dollar store notebook looks tacky. You can pick up a stylish padfolio that also holds extra copies of your resume and business cards.
6. A Stylish Pen
You don’t want to run out of ink while in a high-pressure situation. Even that minor distraction can throw you off your A-game. A stylish and quality pen ensures your notetaking smoothly flows so that you can focus on what’s being said.
7. A Watch
The standard rule is to arrive 20 to 30 minutes early but not enter the building or Zoom room until five to ten minutes before game time. That way, you impress with your punctuality but don’t leave your interviewer feeling like a party host whose guests arrived an hour before the festivities start. A watch showcases your subdued tastes while keeping you timely.
8. A Pair of Comfort Insoles
Plantar fasciitis can cause distracting heel pain that keeps you from fully focusing on your interview. Plus, it can make you wince if the person escorting you to the conference room walks too quickly for your aching dogs to keep pace. A pair of inserts help minimize the agony.
9. A Sunlight-Simulating Alarm Clock
Who invented 7 a.m. interviews? Some regions of the country get earlier starts than others, and if you aren’t a morning person, making such a meeting can prove challenging, especially in the dark and cold winter months. A sunlight-simulating alarm clock tricks your body into thinking that dawn is breaking, easing your entry to wakefulness.
10. Styling Gel
You want to look perfectly manicured for your interview, but the wind doesn’t care that it’s your big day. Keep your locks stylishly coiffed despite the weather with a heavy-duty styling gel that adds hold without looking sticky.
11. A Set of Mala Beads
If you are in dire straits, you nevertheless don’t want to let your interviewer know you are desperate. At best, it might affect the salary offered, and at worst, they might think you’re only in it for the money, not to contribute meaningfully to the organization. If you score a Zoom interview in this telecommuting age, you can finger these under your desk to stay calm.
12. An Infusing Teapot
Some varieties of tea boost energy and focus without the jitters that come from too much coffee. An infusing teapot lets you customize your morning blend to supercharge your interview sharpness naturally.
Get it from Bed, Bath and Beyond
Gather These 12 Essentials for Your Next Interview
You need every advantage you can get in today’s tough job market. Give yourself the edge with these 12 essentials for your next interview.
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