How to Achieve an At Home Full Body Workout
Apr 08, 2023
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It’s easier than you’d think to achieve a full-body workout at home. There are exercises you can do with and without weights. You can train every muscle even when you’re not at the gym.
Gather Your Equipment
It’s totally fine to exercise without equipment. Most at-home workouts rely on body weight, but adding extra pounds can provide a great challenge. You can use household objects in place of weights.
You can make your own weights. For example, you could fill an empty milk jug with sand. Try to find two evenly-weighted things that you can hold comfortably. They’ll give you the best range of motion while you work out.
Plan a Routine
Figure out your routine before you start exercising. The Office of Public Health and Science recommends a minimum of two strength training days per week. You must target each major muscle group to achieve a full-body workout. Planning ensures you equally focus on every muscle.
It can also motivate you to keep going when you get tired. You’re more likely to finish your workout if you know what you need to get done in one session.
You don’t even have to set a dedicated time to work out. A micro-workout is useful if you only have a short time to exercise. For an idea of how to achieve a full-body workout at home, look at these examples.
Do Shoulder Workouts
It’s essential to exercise your shoulders as part of a full-body workout. It can also train your arm and back muscles simultaneously.
Here are some shoulder workouts you can do at home:
- Bent-over row: Use weight for this. You’ll start bent over at the waist while holding a weight. Repeatedly pull the weight toward your chest to work out your shoulders. Make sure to keep your arms at your sides.
- Plank arm raise: Get in a plank position but keep your arms straight. Lift one arm at a time. Alternate holding your arm in front of you and straight out at your side.
- Shoulder press: Use weights for this. Lift your arms above your head until you fully extend them. Lower them by bending your elbows. Make sure to keep them close to your body.
You should focus on low weight if you’re just starting. Switch up your shoulder workouts to help your range of motion when lifting.
Do Chest Workouts
It can feel great to focus on your chest during exercise. It’s foundational for your strength and can look amazing when toned. You should aim for workouts that target your upper chest.
Here are some chest workouts you can do at home:
- Elevated push-ups: Grab a box or a piece of furniture and rest your legs on it. Make sure your body is relatively level. Lower yourself to the ground and then come back up again like a regular push-up.
- Weighted floor press: Use weight for this. Lay on the floor on your back. Raise the weight above your chest and lower it. Keep your arms straight.
The weighted floor press is one of the best exercises you can do if you want strong chest muscles. Most chest exercises also will build your arm strength.
Do Arm Workouts
Muscular arms can look amazing, so it’s good you can train them out at home. Ensure your form is correct to get the maximum benefits of each exercise. Most require your arms to be straight and close to your body.
Here are some arm workouts you can do at home:
- Curls: Use weight for this. Start with your elbows bent and palms facing up. Slowly bring your palm to your shoulder before lowering it.
- Side plank: Start by getting in a plank position, then lift one arm off the ground and turn your body to the side. Hold this pose.
- Bench dip: Stand in front of a piece of furniture and face away from it. Rest your hands on the edge and make sure your legs are in front of you and you’re resting on your heels. Lower yourself down to the ground and bring yourself back up.
You can challenge yourself by adding extra weight. While you don’t need to use weights to exercise your arms, they’ll speed up the process of building muscle.
Do Core Workouts
Your core is a crucial part of a full-body workout. Strengthening it can make training other muscles easier. Your core powers every movement you make, so it’s crucial that it’s strong.
Here are some core workouts you can do at home:
- Wall sits: Slide down a wall while bending your legs. Stop once you look like you’re sitting. Hold this pose. For a more intense workout, lower your body further.
- Flutter kicks: Lay on the floor on your back. Keep your hands behind your head or at your sides. Move each leg up and down opposite each other. Make sure never to let your feet touch the ground.
These are only a few core workouts — there are hundreds you can choose from if you prefer something different. Remember that you should actively try to engage your core during these workouts. If you don’t feel muscle strain, try switching your position.
Do Back Workouts
A strong back is useful in daily life. It can make it easier to lift heavier objects without strain. Use resistance bands to work out your back if you have them. If not, there are bodyweight exercises you can do to exercise your back.
Here are some back workouts you can do at home:
- Plank: Get in a push-up position but rest on your arms instead of your palms. Make sure your back is level and your arms are shoulder-width apart. Hold this pose.
- Arch-ups: Lay on the floor on your stomach. Raise your arms and legs straight out simultaneously and then lower them. For a more intense workout, increase the time you hold the pose.
Using machines or resistance bands to exercise your back is easier, but they’re unnecessary. You can still build muscle with dedication and the right exercises.
Do Leg Workouts
Training your legs at home can be super easy — you can simply walk up and down your stairs. You should focus on exercising each leg muscle. Most workouts will only target your thighs or your calves individually.
Here are some leg workouts you can do at home:
- Squats: Make sure your legs are shoulder-width apart. Stay as straight as possible while bending your knees and lowering yourself. You can use weights for a more intense workout.
- Calf Raises: Alternate between standing normally and standing on the balls of your feet. You can use weight for a more intense workout.
Try to train each part of your leg equally. For example, don’t only do calf raises during a full-body workout — work in squats or lunges. You’ll have to be particular about which leg workouts you do.
Pay Attention to Your Body
The key to achieving a full-body workout at home is paying attention. You want to train each muscle evenly, so focus on which one you’re targeting.
Do you feel straining or burning during a workout? Slight burning sensations are the result of lactic acid buildups that only occur during exercise — meaning you can tell which muscles you’re targeting.
Start Your At Home Full Body Workout Routine
You can use your bodyweight, dumbbells or homemade weights to do any of these workouts. As long as you pay attention to your body, you should be able to tell that you’re targeting the right muscles. Get motivated, stay dedicated and start your full-body workout routine at home.
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